Customer Testimonials

  • Garrett Christman

    Garrett is a professional baseball player currently playing for the Windy City Thunderbolts. Garrett has been working with coach Vern for close to a year now. Here’s what he had to say about his time with Coach Vern.

    “I started training with Vern this offseason with a few specific goals in mind. As a pitcher, I wanted to gain power and strength, maintain arm health, and increase overall athletic ability. Coach Vern’s training style is unique and different than traditional styles. He caters to what you need as an athlete and what your sport demands. All while challenging you physically and mentally to increase your overall athletic ability so that you can reach your full potential. Thanks to Coach Vern, I am healthier, stronger physically and mentally, and more powerful. Coach Vern helped me achieve all of my training goals and has undoubtedly made me a better athlete.”

  • Nyah Namsiak

    Nyah has been working with Vern for close to a year. She spent 14 years as a gymnast and transitioned to become an Olympic Weightlifter starting in 2017. Here’s what Nyah had to say about her time with Coach Vern.

    “Working with Vern has helped me overcome so many obstacles. Since Vern has been my coach, I have been happier, stronger, but most of all more confident in myself and my skills.

    Vern’s training focuses heavily on progressing the physical strength in his athletes, but also challenging them to become mentally tough– and using emotions as fuel.

    It’s clear to see just how much Coach Vern values his relationships with his athletes. He strives to understand his athletes as humans, not just athletes, he is able to connect with and create genuine relationships with each athlete. His coaching has sparked a drive in me to become the best I can be in not only Olympic weightlifting but life.

    Vern has made me a better athlete in the past nine months than I ever was before. His dedication to his athletes is unmatched by any other trainer. Coach Vern is just the type of person you need in your circle to help push you to the next level. No matter your sport or your goals, Vern will 100% be there to support you and push you to be even better than before.”